C++ plus plus in English ebook pdf
1.Introduction (Introduction)
C++What is? (What is C++?)
C++Features of (Features of C++)
C++History of (History of C++
C++Using the (Uses of C++)
2. C++The setup of (Setting up C++)
IDEand how to choose a compiler (Choosing IDE & Compiler)
C++The basic structure of the programBasic Structure of C++
First program:Hello World (First Program: Hello World)
3.Data Types and Variables (Data Types and Variables)
data type (Data Types)
The variables (Variables)
Input and output (Input and Output:cin And cout,
Comments (Comments)
Constants and Literals (Constants and Literals)
4.Operators (Operators)
Arithmetic operators (Arithmetic Operators
Relational operators (Relational Operators
logical operators (Logical Operators
Assignment operators (Assignment Operators)
Bitwise operators (Bitwise Operators
Ternary operator (Ternary Operator)
5.Control statements (Control Statements
The if statement (If Statement)
If-Else (If-Else)
The switch statement (Switch Statement)
Loops (loops)
o for loop (For Loop)
o The while loop (during loop)
o The do-while loop (Do-While Loop)
break and continue ((Break and Continue)
6.Functions (Functions)
what are functions? (What are functions?)
Function declaration and definition (Function Declaration and
Recursion (Recursion)
Inline functions (Inline Functions)
Function overloading (Function overloading)
Passing arguments (Passing Arguments: By Value and By
7.Arrays (Arrays)
A one-dimensional array (One-dimensional arrays)
Multi-dimensional array (Multi-dimensional arrays)
Functions with arrays (Functions with Arrays)