C++ plus plus inEnglish ebook pdf


C++ plus plus in English ebook pdf

1.Introduction (Introduction)
 C++What is? (What is C++?)
 C++Features of (Features of C++)
 C++History of (History of C++
 C++Using the (Uses of C++)
2. C++The setup of (Setting up C++)
 IDEand how to choose a compiler (Choosing IDE & Compiler)
 C++The basic structure of the programBasic Structure of C++
 First program:Hello World (First Program: Hello World)
3.Data Types and Variables (Data Types and Variables)
 data type (Data Types)
 The variables (Variables)
 Input and output (Input and Output:cin And cout,
 Comments (Comments)
 Constants and Literals (Constants and Literals)
4.Operators (Operators)
 Arithmetic operators (Arithmetic Operators
 Relational operators (Relational Operators
 logical operators (Logical Operators
 Assignment operators (Assignment Operators)
 Bitwise operators (Bitwise Operators
 Ternary operator (Ternary Operator)


5.Control statements (Control Statements
 The if statement (If Statement)
 If-Else (If-Else)
 The switch statement (Switch Statement)
 Loops (loops)
o for loop (For Loop)
o The while loop (during loop)
o The do-while loop (Do-While Loop)
 break and continue ((Break and Continue)
6.Functions (Functions)
 what are functions? (What are functions?)
 Function declaration and definition (Function Declaration and
 Recursion (Recursion)
 Inline functions (Inline Functions)
 Function overloading (Function overloading)
 Passing arguments (Passing Arguments: By Value and By
7.Arrays (Arrays)
 A one-dimensional array (One-dimensional arrays)
 Multi-dimensional array (Multi-dimensional arrays)
 Functions with arrays (Functions with Arrays)

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