
C Language Course in english ebook pdf




C Language Course in english ebook pdf

1.Introduction and history
 1.1 CIntroduction to the language
 1.2 CHistory and development of the
 1.3CLanguage features
 1.4 CUse and application of
2.Basics and Programming Setup
 2.1Fundamental concepts of programming
 2.2 CRequired software and setup for 128GB
 2.3FirstCProgram
 2.4 CProgram Structure
3.Data Types and Variables
 3.1Introduction to Data Types
 3.2Variables and Constants
 3.3Operators and their types
 3.4Format Specifiers
4.Input and output (I/O)operation
 4.1Input and output functions (printf And scanf,
 4.2CharacterI/O (getchar,putchar,
 4.3fileinput/outputintroduction of
5.Conditional Statements
 5.1if,else,And else if Statements
 5.2switch Case Statement
 5.3Use of Ternary Operator
6.Loops and Iteration
 6.1for Loop
 6.2while Loop


 6.3do-while Loop
 6.4break And continue Using the
 7.1Introduction to functions
 7.2Function declaration and definition
 7.3Parameter passing and return values
 7.4Recruitment (Recursion)
8.Arrays and Strings
 8.1Introduction to Arrays
 8.2Multi-Dimensional Arrays
 8.3Introduction to Strings
 8.4String Handling Functions
 9.1Introduction to Pointers
 9.2Pointers and Arrays
 9.3Pointers and functions
 9.4pointer to pointer
10.Structures and Unions
 10.1Introduction to Structures
 10.2Pointers inside structs
 10.3Introduction to Unions
 10.4difference between struct and union
11.File Handling
 11.1Introduction to files
 11.2Opening and closing a file
 11.3Reading and writing data from a file
 11.4Binary file operations

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