Basic Kotlin Language Course in english pdf


Basic Kotlin Language Course in english pdf

1. Introduction to Kotlin
 KotlinWhat is,
 KotlinThe advantages of
 KotlinHistory and development of the
 KotlinAndJavaDifference in
2. Setting Up the Development Environment
 IntelliJ IDEAAndAndroid Studioinstallation
 Kotlin REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)Using the
 FirstKotlinCreating a Project
3. Basic Syntax and Data Types
 Data types:Int, Float, String, Boolean,Etcetera
 Variables andConstantsUsing the
 Operator:Arithmetic, Relational,
4.Control Flow
 if elseStatements
 whenExpression
 loops: for, while, do-while


 Definition and use of functions
 Value and non-value functions
 lambda expressionsAndhigher-order functions
6.Classes and Objects
 Introduction to Classes and Objects
 Constructors: PrimaryAndSecondary
 inheritanceAndpolymorphism
7. Collections and Generics
 Collectionsintroduction of:List, Set, Map
 GenericsUsing the
8.Exception Handling
 exceptionsAnderrorsintroduction of
 try-catch-finallyBlock
 custom exceptionsMake
9. Kotlin for Android Development
 AndroidInKotlinUsing the
 Android StudioInKotlinSetup

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