Basic Java Course in english pdf


Basic Java Course in english pdf

1. Javaintroduction of
 JavaWhat is,
 JavaThe characteristics of (Platform Independence,
Object-Oriented, etc.)
 JavaUsing the (Applications in Web Development,
Mobile Apps, etc.)
2.JavaSetup of the
 JDK (Java Development Kit)AndJRE (Java Runtime
Environment)Installation of
 IDEsintroduction of (Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans)
 FirstJavaWriting and running a program
3.Javafundamentals of
 data type (Data Types)
 The variables (Variables)
 Operators (Operators)
 Control statements (if, switch, loops)
4.object oriented Programming (OOP)
 Introduction to Classes and Objects
 Inheritance (Inheritance


 Polymorphism (Polymorphism
 Abstraction (Abstraction)and encapsulation
5. JavaArrays and Collections in C
 Array (Arrays)
 ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMapuse of etc
 Introduction to Collections Framework
6.File Handling and Error Handling
 Reading and writing files
 Exception Handling (try, catch, finally)
7. JavaInGUIMake
 SwingAndJavaFXintroduction of
 EasyGUICreating the Application
8. Javaproject
 Working on a project (example: a small game or
task manager app)

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