Basic android course in English PDF


Basic android course in English PDF

Module 1: Introduction to Android
 What is Android?
o History and evolution of Android
o Android versions and their features
 Setting up the Development Environment
o Installing Android Studio
o Understanding the Android SDK
Module 2: Basics of Android Development
 Understanding Android Architecture
o Components of Android (Activities, Services,
Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers)

 Creating Your First Android App
o Step-by-step guide to building a simple app
o Understanding the project structure
Module 3: User Interface (UI) Design
 Layouts in Android
o LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout


 UI Components
o Buttons, TextViews, EditTexts, ImageViews
 Creating Responsive UIs
o Using different layouts for different screen sizes

Module 4: Working with Data
 Data Storage Options
o Shared Preferences
o SQLite Database
o Using Room for database management
 Networking in Android
o Making HTTP requests
o Using Retrofit for API calls
Module 5: Advanced Android Concepts
 Background Tasks
o Using AsyncTasks and Services
o WorkManager for background tasks
 Notifications and Broadcast Receivers
o Creating and managing notifications
o Understanding Broadcast Receivers and their use

Module 6: Publishing Your App
 Preparing for Release
o Signing in to the app
o Generating a release build
 Publishing on Google Play Store
o Creating a developer account
o App submission process and guidelines

Module 7: Real-world Projects
 Building a Complete Application
o Guided project from scratch to finish
o Best practices and tips for app development

Module 8: Conclusion and Next Steps
 Educational Resources
o Recommended books, websites, and communities
 Career Opportunities in Android Development
Course Format
 Video Lectures: Record lectures in Hindi explaining each
 Hands-on Assignments: Provide coding exercises and
 Quizzes: Include quizzes to test knowledge after each
 Discussion Forum: Create a space for students to ask
questions and share knowledge.
Promotion and Delivery
 Platforms: Consider using platforms like Udemy,
Teachable, or a personal website.
 Social Media: Promote your course through social media
channels, especially in Hindi-speaking communities.

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