C Language Course in english ebook pdf
1.Introduction and history
1.1 CIntroduction to the language
1.2 CHistory and development of the
1.3CLanguage features
1.4 CUse and application of
2.Basics and Programming Setup
2.1Fundamental concepts of programming
2.2 CRequired software and setup for 128GB
2.4 CProgram Structure
3.Data Types and Variables
3.1Introduction to Data Types
3.2Variables and Constants
3.3Operators and their types
3.4Format Specifiers
4.Input and output (I/O)operation
4.1Input and output functions (printf And scanf,
4.2CharacterI/O (getchar,putchar,
4.3fileinput/outputintroduction of
5.Conditional Statements
5.1if,else,And else if Statements
5.2switch Case Statement
5.3Use of Ternary Operator
6.Loops and Iteration
6.1for Loop
6.2while Loop
6.3do-while Loop
6.4break And continue Using the
7.1Introduction to functions
7.2Function declaration and definition
7.3Parameter passing and return values
7.4Recruitment (Recursion)
8.Arrays and Strings
8.1Introduction to Arrays
8.2Multi-Dimensional Arrays
8.3Introduction to Strings
8.4String Handling Functions
9.1Introduction to Pointers
9.2Pointers and Arrays
9.3Pointers and functions
9.4pointer to pointer
10.Structures and Unions
10.1Introduction to Structures
10.2Pointers inside structs
10.3Introduction to Unions
10.4difference between struct and union
11.File Handling
11.1Introduction to files
11.2Opening and closing a file
11.3Reading and writing data from a file
11.4Binary file operations
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